Perfect Pigment – Acrylic Paint



Perfect Pigment™ – Pure Liquid Acrylics™  are an affordable range of fine art quality paints that work on virtually all surfaces and provide artists with an unlimited range of tints, values and colors. Perfect Pigments and contain no fillers, allowing for clean mixed colors, and each pigments’ natural translucency or opacity.

Mixing our Pearlescent paints with our regular acrylics will moderate the iridescent effects. Drying to the touch is dependent on the water added and surface, but is usually less than an hour. Curing is when the paint becomes a fully stable film, providing a maximum durability and water resistance. When fully cured our paint is nearly invulnerable to mild solvents. Curing usually takes at least three days for thin applications and may take up to two weeks or more for thicker applications.

Perfect Pigments are known for their versatility and are ideal for applications such as:

  • fine art
  • crafting
  • textile painting
  • woodworking
  • traditional to experimental and decorative techniques

USArtQuest paints can be used on textiles without heat setting.

1 oz.and 4 oz.bottles available in 24 colors

Please call for larger sizes